News: Google's co-founders step down from Alphabet's management position, hands management responsibility to Sundar Pichai

Google's co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin have declared their step down from the management position from Alphabet, Google's parent company. While the news came in as a little surprise to Google employees, Page and Brin have been anticipating the right moment to make the news official to Google and its employees.
In the open letter, which declared the official step-down, Page and Brin wrote, "We’ve never been ones to hold on to management roles when we think there’s a better way to run the company". They further appreciated Sundar Pichai, the current CEO of Google, on the credibility that he has added to Google over the years, stating, "There is no one that we have relied on more since Alphabet was founded, and no better person to lead Google and Alphabet into the future". Pichai will now handle both Google and Alphabet as their CEO.